La Bataille de Castillon

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In the clash of swords and the gallop of knights

With its 600 volunteers, 40 horses and spectacular teams, the Battle of Castillon is an exciting recreation of a historical event and also a memorable celebration of the Nouvelle Aquitaine.
This majestic nocturnal re-enactment of the end of the Hundred Years War will transport you to the heart of the Middle Ages.
Surrounded by an impressive natural décor, the acting of hundreds, the equestrian stunts and the pyrotechnics, together with the sound and light effects, will bring to life a major page of the history of France and Great Britain.

Le Spectacle

Le Spectacle

Revivez en direct la fin de la guerre de cent ans.

En savoir plus >

Le Parc Aliénor

Le Parc Aliénor

Dès 17h00, des animations 

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Dégustation et détente.

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Nos dates 2024

Les spectacles du parc Alienor

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